My work with clients is informed by many sources and many teachers, from whom I've integrated ways of knowledge and being and who I recognize and appreciate as informing me, supporting me and helping me to shape my own offer. These teachers and methodologies include: Strozzi Somatics™ of Strozzi Institute and Richard Strozzi–Heckler's work as a nationally known speaker, coach and consultant on leadership and mastery, as well as an aikido sensei; Staci Haines' work with shame, sexuality, trauma and social justice, as well as her Strozzi Institute teaching; aikido training over the course of 20 years, in which I was taught by Senseis Craig Dunn, Takashi Tokunaga, Wolfgang Baumgartner and, underneath it all, sparked by aikido and awareness trainings with Robert Nadeau Shihan; Rosvita Botkin's Jungian psychotherapy and dream work; Suzanne Roberts and her work with Women Generating; Nancy Shanteau Coaching and Bodywork and Skills for Change Coaching; Doug Silsbee's Presence-Based Coach training; Wendy Palmer's conscious embodiment training; Ginny Whitelaw and her Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI) assessment tool and body–based change approach; the poets and artists who have been my mentors, friends and loved ones over the years, especially John Brandi, Marsha Skinner, Joan Logghe, Miriam Sagan, Sawnie Morris, Natalie Goldberg, Bill Gersh, Ken Smith, and Peter Redgrove.

©2013 Renée Gregorio
Banner painting by John Brandi